Marco Secchi

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Nonda ZUS Wireless Smart backup camera review


I ordered this product because it sounded very easy to install and I liked the fact that I would be able to use my phone as the monitor and therefore avoid any addition of extra wiring to my car.

The idea is great but this backup camera system fell woefully short of being reliable and even useable. First of all, it requires both the use of the Bluetooth and the WiFi on your phone to operate the camera. This was rather annoying since I couldn’t utilize the hands free phone feature in my car while i was connected to the camera. This meant that every time I used the camera, I would then have to go to the settings app on my phone and disconnect the camera and reconnect my car to use the hands free feature. What a pain !!

Secondly, the Bluetooth connection with the camera was constantly going in and out which made it virtually impossible to turn the night vision feature on and off when needed. And lastly, I could never count on the camera WiFi connecting to my phone and giving me video feed when I needed to backup. I never knew how long this would take, usually I got frustrated waiting, and ended up backing without the use of the camera. What use is that !

The ZUS app that operates the camera was nice looking and quite user friendly but I cannot recommend this system !


a) After a week using it the camera developed a haze on the lens and after few emails was told to send it back to China to have it replaced

b) After 6 months the led indicating the operations stopped working, Was told was not important

c) After 12 Months battery stopped Charging….and now been told is out of Guarantee (12 months) and nothing they can do! Well Done Nonda!!!

Utterly rubbish and not worth the money